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Dogwood Acres Summer Camp and Youth Retreats


Located 45 minutes north of Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church, Dogwood Acres Camp and Conference Center hosts Spiritfest middle school retreat in the fall, Dogwood Youth Conference in the winter and summer camp for rising 2-12th grade.


Dogwood Acres is a 457 acre camp developed and supported by thePresbytery of Florida. The property includes pristine forests, freshwater streams, abundant wildlife, 7 miles of hiking trails, swimming and canoeing lake, basketball, a beach-style volleyball court and 10 comfortable climate-controlled retreat cabins for up to 80 people. Our presbytery offers a complete Summer Camp program for children and youth, grades 2-12, during the months of June, July and early August. The camp also provides an ideal setting for group gatherings, such as retreats, workshops, outdoor education, worship services, family reunions and other special events, throughout the rest of the year.

Camp logo
Presbyterian Church USA

Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church and Gulftreat Family Center

Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church

Gulftreat Family Center

271 S. Arnold Rd (Hwy 79)

Panama City Beach, FL 32413


Office hours: T, W, Th,- 8:30am to 2:30pm

Food Pantry Hours: M - Fr 9am to noon

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