Welcome to Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church
Our Mission is to be a place where the community can come together in Christ and provide, through God and His word, love, comfort and joy to all.
our ministries
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~ Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
We at Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church seek to answer God's call to service in a variety of ways. From Bible study to prayer groups, and feeding the hungry, there are ways for each of us to serve.
Gulf Beach Presbyterian supports the work and ministry of Thornwell Home for Children.
We at Thornwell Home for Children are so grateful to God for the provision given to this ministry through faithful people like you. Thornwell is a community of believers that together seek to reach hurting children and families in need.
You have given children a safe place to live, grow and experience love. On Thornwell's campus in Clinton, SC, our residential program provides homes for children who cannot stay with their families for whatever reason.
Your support made it possible for 118 children and teens across Florida, Georgia and South Carolina to receive the help they needed at Thornwell Home for Children. You aren't just giving money. You are giving HOPE. Every gift to Thornwell helps children and families heal from past hurt and find hope for a successful future. Your gift today will impact a child's life.
Food Pantry:
The pantry is open
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-12.
We offer 2 day emergency food assitance to individuals and familes in need.
The food pantry is best accessed from the South parking lot located on the corner of Hwy 79 and Innocente. You will need to present a photo ID and verification that you reside in Panama City Beach.
Located at Gulf Beach Presbyterian Chuch, since 1978 the food pantry has provided emergency food assistance to the needy residents of Panama City Beach.
It is an ecumenical endeavor that is supported by many area churches and local community groups. Donations of non-perishable food can be brought to the church during operating hours or Sunday morning. Cash contributions can be mailed to Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church c/o Food Pantry 271 S. Hwy 79 Panama City Beach, FL 32413.
Interested in volunteering? Please call the church office at 850-234-3161.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,"
Matthew 25:35

Session Ministry Areas
Lenny Zacher- 850-867-3770
Ministry of Witness and Evangelism: (Sharing the Gospel) Lead in effort for spiritual renewal within the congregation and in efforts to reach beyond the congregation to share the message of Jesus.
Molly Allen- 850-234-1040
Ministry of Spiritual Development and Education: (Equipping the Saints) Lead in reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and in helping people of faith grow and mature in their faith.
Mike Burke-850-230-0811
Ministry of Worship: (Sharing the Gospel) Lead in the preparation ad provision for all worship services, seeking to glorify god and to draw all people to faith.
Sara Waby-715-292-7878
Ministry of Care: (Serving Others) Lead in caring for those who seek relationship with God at Gulf Beach Presbyterian church
Beth Reedy- 850-234-3161
Ministry of Compassion: (Serving others) Leads locally, nationally, and internationally in efforts to meet specific human hurts and needs with the love of Christ.
Ken Wagner- 919-922-0171
Ministry of Building and Grounds: (Serving Others) Lead in caring for the physical plant and it’s furnishings under the care of the church so that all facilities may be prepared and ready to use as a starting point for all ministries.
Richard Clubb- 850-723-0831
Ministry of Stewardship: (Equipping the Saints) Lead in administrative and financial areas to support the ministries and share the blessings of God.
Ministry of Personnel: Lead in Personnel and Contract Employee area.
Each ministry is chaired by an active elder but the committee itself is made up of member of the congregation. If you would like to serve on any of the above ministries please contact the elder in charge.
The more hands involved the lighter the work load.